Myreader AI - Your AI powered reading assistant
What is Myreader AI?
Myreader AI is an AI-powered reading assistant that provides access to a vast array of AI technologies for various needs, including text generation and image understanding. It allows users to upload any PDF, EPUB, document, article, or YouTube link and ask questions, receive instant answers, jump to specific pages, and convert to audiobook.
Features of Myreader AI
Upload any book or document
Upload any book or document (.pdf, .epub, .azw, .doc, .ppt) and even add YouTube and article links.
Ask a question
Ask any question about a topic you would want to explore from the books you uploaded.
Explore answers
Get an answer based on the content of your books and jump to the exact page in the book to read more.
Let AI do the work for you
Save hours reading books, documents, papers, articles, and watching videos.
Paid plans start at only $6/month (on annual).
Jump to exact page
With each answer, you get accurate citations and can jump to the exact page in the document that contains the answer.
Text to Speech
Listen to your books and documents on the go in 50+ natural sounding voices and 30+ languages.
Myreader AI offers affordable pricing plans starting at $6/month (on annual).
Frequently Asked Questions
What format of books can I upload?
You can upload almost any doc or ebook format (.pdf, .epub, .azw, .doc, .ppt).
Can I add article links or YouTube links?
Yes, you can add article links or YouTube links to your library and ask questions to them.
Can I talk to multiple books at the same time?
Yes, you can chat with a single book or entire library or a group of books.
How many books can I upload?
You can upload up to 20,000 pages, and all your books stay in the cloud to reference any time.
Do you have Myreader available for businesses?
If you are a publisher, business, education institute, teacher, professor, course facilitator, and want a custom solution similar to Myreader for your audience (readers, students, employees) with your content preloaded to search through, contact us.
How can I upload my Kindle books?
If you have a Kindle device, you will need to download and deDRM it to use with Myreader or any other e-readers.
How is the data stored?
We store data in a secure cloud storage. We do not share data between users. All your data is private to you and you can delete anytime.
What languages do you support?
We support 16 languages (Arabic, Chinese-simplified, Chinese-traditional, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Russian).
What's the best way to reach you?
Please email [email protected] for any more questions.