Setting up and Installing Mid-Journey: A Beginner's Guide
Mid-Journey is an innovative AI model that generates stunning images, but getting started can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up and installing Mid-Journey, ensuring you can dive into creating breathtaking AI images in no time.
Step 1: Installing and Creating a Discord Account
To access Mid-Journey, you need to create a Discord account, a free instant messaging platform. Go to
and download the correct version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or mobile). Once downloaded, open your downloads folder, double-click to run the Discord setup executable, and create a free account by filling out the required information. You'll need to choose an email account for this step. Click "Continue" when you finish filling out your info and go through the setup process.
Verifying Your Email Account
After signing up for Mid-Journey, you need to verify your email account before setting up Mid-Journey. Go to the email account you signed up with and open the verification email. Verify your email account to proceed.
Setting Up Mid-Journey
Open the Mid-Journey account website (links available in the description) and ensure you're logged into the Discord app. Click "Sign in" to link Mid-Journey with your Discord account, then click "Authorize".
Mid-Journey Home Screen
You can now access the Mid-Journey home screen. Mid-Journey often has free trials for new features, but typically requires a paid subscription. Consider trying out Mid-Journey since you can cancel your subscription without risk.
Purchasing a Subscription Plan
To get started with Mid-Journey, you need to purchase a subscription plan. Click on the "Manage sub" option on the left, which brings you to the subscription window where you can purchase a plan. We recommend starting with the basic plan.
Getting Started with Mid-Journey
When selecting a plan, you have two options: Basic or Pro. The Basic plan has everything you need to get started, but has limited GPU hours. The Pro plan has more features and more GPU time, but costs more. Consider monthly billing if you want to try out the service before committing to a yearly plan. The yearly plan saves money per month, but requires payment for the entire year upfront.
To subscribe, click "Subscribe" and enter your payment information. Once subscribed, you can manage your current subscription in the subscription window, which displays the amount of GPU hours you have left. You can always buy more hours if you need them.
Generating Images with Mid-Journey
To start generating images, navigate to your Direct Messages in Discord and click on the Mid-Journey bot. Type /imagine
into the direct message prompt to use the AI model. Press space and type in a prompt for Mid-Journey to generate an image for. Note that you'll need to accept the terms of service before proceeding.
Mid Journey Channel: Creating AI Images
Mid-Journey generates images in sets of four, which can be viewed in the image grid once the process is complete. Clicking on the image grid allows for zooming in on the generated images.
Success and Next Steps
Congratulations on successfully creating your first AI images! For any questions or to chat with other users, navigate to the Mid-Journey Channel. Alternatively, join the server via the link in the description and visit the "Newbie rooms" to see what other new users are creating. Explore the "Prompt FAQs room" for answers to frequently asked questions about prompts.
Future Content
The creator will be producing more videos in the beginner series, covering the interface, settings options, and generating high-quality images. Subscribe to the channel to follow along with upcoming content.
Additional Resources
Stay tuned for more guides and tutorials on getting the most out of Mid-Journey. Happy creating!