deepgram python sdk: Build a Conversational Chatbot with Deepgram and Gro API Services

deepgram python sdk: Learn how to create a chatbot that converts text to speech and responds to user queries using Deepgram and Gro API services, and integrate it with your website for a conversational interface.

October 18, 2024 at 11:31

Creating a Chatbot with Deepgram and Gro


By the end of this tutorial, you will learn how to create a chatbot that can convert text to speech and respond to user queries using Deepgram and Gro API services. The chatbot will sound like a human, and you can integrate it with your website to provide a conversational interface for users.

Services Used

  • Deepgram: A text-to-speech and speech-to-text service that is more accurate than AWS, Microsoft Azure, Whisper, Google, and Assembly AI.
  • Gro API: An inferencing service for getting results quickly.


  • Python: Download the latest version from
  • Visual Studio Code Editor: Download and install this code editor.
  • API Keys: Obtain API keys from Deepgram and Gro API.

Setting Up the Environment

  • Open the terminal in Visual Studio Code and create a new environment using conda create --name envs.
  • Activate the environment using conda activate envs.
  • Install the required libraries by running pip install deepgram-sdk requests python-dotenv flask Croc.

Configuring Environment Variables

  • Create a requirements.txt file and install the required libraries.
  • Set up environment variables for Deepgram API key and Gro API key.
  • Paste the API keys into the environment variables.

Code Cleanup

  • Start a new Python file and import the required libraries.
  • Set up the Deepgram and Gro API services using the API keys.
  • Create a function to handle user input and respond with a result.

Setting up the Environment and Creating Python Files

  • Create three Python files:,, and
  • Load up the environment using conda activate and Jarvis new.
  • Install all requirements using pip install -r requirements.txt.

Gro Server Code

  • code:
    • Import necessary libraries: from gro import Gro.
    • Set up environment variables using from EnV import load.
    • Load environment variables using load.
    • Create a new instance of the Gro class.
    • Get the Gro API key.
    • Define a new function execute that takes in the model, role, user, and prompt as inputs.
    • Return the responses obtained from the Gro API.
    • Test the function by calling execute with the prompt "tell me a joke".

Text to Speech Code

  • code:
    • Import necessary libraries: from deepgram import clients.
    • Load environment variables using from EnV import load.
    • Define a function text_to_speech that takes in the text input.
    • Start up the Deepgram API client using the DG API key.
    • Use the voice "Ora Luna" (or other available voices) to convert the text to speech.

Connecting the Text to Speech and Gro Server Code

  • Import the execute function from in the main file.
  • Use the execute function to call the Gro server and obtain the response.
  • Use the response obtained from the Gro server as input to the text to speech function.
  • Call the text_to_speech function with the response as input to convert the text to speech.

Introduction to Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Speech-to-Text (STT) models

  • Multiple female voices are available, including Aria, Luna, Stella, and Atlanta.
  • Male voices are also available, such as Henry.
  • Code snippets show how to use TTS and STT models in Python.

Using TTS models

  • Import the text2speech library and select a voice option.
  • Define a function to return a wave file with the TTS output.
  • Use the name parameter to determine whether to run the code locally or remotely.

Using STT models

  • Import the speech2text library and load environment variables.
  • Set up API keys and open an audio input file.
  • Convert the audio file to text and retrieve the text output.

Creating a Main App with Flask

  • Import the Flask library and the request and send_file functions.
  • Create an app instance using Flask.
  • Define routes for the app, including a root route that returns an index.html template.
  • Define a route for the speech-to-text functionality.


By the end of this tutorial, you will have created a chatbot that can convert text to speech and respond to user queries using Deepgram and Gro API services. This chatbot can be integrated with your website to provide a conversational interface for users.